Regular Runs

All runs begin at the Lisgar Street entrance of City Hall, 111 Lisgar. Runs are held:

  • Tuesdays at 6:30 pm, after which we go for coffee (Routes)
  • Saturdays at 9:00 am (9:30 am from the first Saturday of December to the last Saturday of March inclusive), followed by breakfast  (Routes)
  • Women’s* 5 km walk or run at 6:15 pm — for details send an email to *This event is open to all who identify as women, female-identifying, non-binary, and Two-Spirit individuals.

NOTICE: 2024 Gatineau runs — Saturdays, 11 May, 8 June, 13 July, 10 August, 14 September, and 12 October.

Cancellation of runs are rare, only owing to holidays and hazardous weather. When runs are cancelled, we post a notice on this site and send an e-mail to members.

Current conditions and forecast: The Weather Network or Weatheroffice (Environment Canada)